Saturday, December 29, 2012

Uncle David and Aunt Mary

These are two of my favorite people in the whole world, Uncle David and Aunt Mary. I can remember, as a little kid, taking trips to Utah to visit them. We always had a blast staying at their house. They are really fun to hang out with. My aunt called a little while ago and asked if I'd be willing to paint a caricature of my uncle for Christmas. As always, I replied yes!  So here is the final version... Merry Christmas Dave and Mary!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

R.I.P Bowzer!

So every now and again I get to paint something that's a little more meaningful. Last month (November) my friend's dog, Bowzer, died from a coyote attack. Brent, Bowzer's human, asked if I'd be willing to paint a portrait of little Bowzer with some of my style thrown in for good measure. Of course I was happy to do it!

After I was done with the painting I asked Brent to write a little memorial to go along with this blog post...

"Bowzer had the heart of a lion and the body of a mouse. His entire existence was one of adventure and and kindness. He loved riding on motorcycles and going to the beach. He was the smallest dog you had ever seen, and strangers would often ask to take pictures with him. Bowzer will be missed, but we will always remember him for his courage and outgoing personality."

There you have it, rest in peace Bowzer!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Baxter and the Bumble Bee

Well, finals are over and I feel like an enormous elephant has been lifted from my shoulders,  that sounds like a good idea for an Illustration. Anyhow I don't know why but this semester kicked my butt. Glad be done with school for a couple of weeks.

One class that I had an absolute blast in was Will Terry's Children's Book Illustration! It's been really nice to cut loose and paint some fun pictures. This was my last painting for Will's class. I wanted to paint something warm hearted, hence the sepia pallet. Maybe I'll write up a little story about Baxter and his best friend the Bumble Bee.

Also, being that it is the holiday season I will give the first person that responds to this post a a free 11x17 print, of their choosing, from my artwork. Take care!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tom Yorke speed painting

I've been studying for finals this week and I needed a break. Painted this real quick, about 2 hours. Time to hit the books again!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Lincoln Day-Lewis

This is my final painting for Advanced Illustration and I must say that I have had an absolute blast in this semester! For those new to my blog in the Advanced Illustration class, taught at Utah Valley University, we get to choose our own projects for the semester. I chose to paint caricatures from Hollywood movies.

For my last Illustration I chose to paint Daniel Day-Lewis from the new movie Lincoln, directed by Steven Spielberg. I saw this movie a few weeks ago, it is fantastic go see it!

I have always had a great admiration for President Lincoln and jumped at the opportunity to paint him, or at least a version of him. Hope you like this painting as much as I did creating it. Oh and here is a trailer for Lincoln...

Friday, December 7, 2012

Monsta Wreath!!!

Imagine that you are out for a night of christmas caroling with some friends and you come up to this door. Would you have the guts o knock? 

This was a relatively quick painting( a couple of hours), that I needed to do to recharge my batteries during preparations for finals. Hope you enjoy!

25 days of Christmas Munkey Cannon Style!

Hey everyone wanted to remind you to check out the Munkey Cannon blog for the 25 days of Christmas!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mr. Toast Guest Blog!

Hey everybody! From time to time I have the awesome opportunity to guest blog on on some of my friends blogs. Today I asked my friend Trent (a.k.a Toast) Gersbach to do a little post on my blog! Enjoy...

Adam asked me to guest blog, so of course I thought to do a monster. I'd be lying if I said Adam didn't inspire me to do this piece. His monster drawings are incredible, of course pretty much everything he does is incredible.
I've recently graduated and I'm filling my time up with art and being with my beautiful fiancee Kristy. I work on pieces pretty regularly and I'm always trying to become better and to find my voice. I've found that being out of school was the best thing for this. I've always liked ink and watercolor, but no classes really offered much as far as those go. This really has been a good time for me to progress as an artist.
If you want to see more of my stuff go to

Here are a few samples of Trent's artwork:

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy Hoildays!!!

Whatever you celebrate during this time of year Happy Holidays!

Check out Munkey Cannon Studious, for the month of December we are going to post up daily sketches of Christmas themed stuff with a little us thrown in for good measure. Have a good one!


We just finished our last big project in my concept design class at UVU. In this class we focus on creating designs for video games and movies. Our latest project is from the Star Wars universe. 

For each project we (the students) get to design certain elements for the game. I scored Lightsabers! I can remember as a little kid finding old flash lights and pvc pipes and trying to create my own lightsaber. Now years later, I once again get to design my own!