Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Daily Sketches...

Sorry that I've missed a few days posting sketches. I had a pretty busy weekend as I'm sure most of you had. Big shout out to all our armed forces and people who have protected our freedom! Here we have a couple of sketches from the good ol' sketch book. Both were drawn with colored pencil and the top one was inked with a Pentel Pocket Brush Pen. If you haven't tried one of these bad boys you need too! By far one of my favorite tools in my arsenal. You can get a variety of line quality and textures that technical pens can't achieve. Yes there is a frustrating learning curve ,which I am still on, that also produces awesome happy accidents.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Daily Sketch: Pinocchio vs Cardinal

I thought of this Idea for Pinocchio a couple of days ago. I sketched it yesterday and painted it today. Hope you like it, I had a lot of fun creating it! Sketch was drawn with red pencil and the painting was done in Photoshop and Painter.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Daily Sketch: Monkey-Pirate

Today I started a new sketchbook! I know big deal right? For the longest time I drew in a Canson sketchbook or on  some loose leaf paper that I get from a local paper supply store (sorry it's not Dunder Mifflin). I still use the loose leaf paper because it's easy to scan and I can get a variety of of different textures and colors. The last few years I have been using a Moleskine sketch book for my personal use. Mainly because they are small and easy to lug around.

The first Moleskine book that I bought was awesome! The paper quality was thick and smooth. My markers and ink pens worked really well on it. I was stoked to pick up another after I "killed" off the first book. To my dismay the second book was awful! The paper was really crappy and thin. My drawings using pencils were fine but, It had a hard time absorbing markers and ink. Apparently, I purchased a journal with blank pages. I tried to make it work and after tons of drawings, I decided to retire it.

Today's new sketchbook another Moleskine. I know surprise surprise. This one however, is made for art and is filled with watercolor paper. Over the past year at school I took a series of traditional painting classes @ UVU taught by Will Terry and developed a love for watercolor and acrylic painting. When shopping for a new book I thought it would be neat to have one that could sketch and paint in. I'm stoked for my new Moleskine and look forward to sharing some drawings and paintings with all of you!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Daily Sketch: Math Gorilla

So I just took a midterm test in Statistics. Let just say I didn't so well and our friend here is telling you what I think of my test scores. I don't know what this class has to do with making me a better artist. Guess I'll have to suffer through it like so many others before me. Take care and for those of you in the same boat as me... Good Luck!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Daily Sketch: Superman

Today's daily sketch is the good old man of steel himself. (Prismacolor pencil, ink and marker) I really should start a blog that is just daily sketches. It'd be fun to have multiple people participate and do themed weeks. If anyone is interested in contributing said blog let me know .

Daily Sketch: Paul McCartney

I've always been a fan of the Beatles and I thought it would be fun to paint a caricature of Sir Paul McCartney.So this is going to be my next project. Still have a ton of work to do. The sketch still needs a lot of refinement before I can start painting.  Check back for more updates as this painting progresses.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Daily Sketch: Pompadour Dracula

I don't know what it is with me and drawing pompadours lately. The Zombabilly, The mobster a and now Dracula!? Fun stuff! (prismacolor pencil, ink and markers on toned paper)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Daily Sketch: Painting Tim's Drawing

For todays sketch I took a different approach. My friend Tim Odland is a super talented artist. I've known him for sometime now and he has been super influential in my progression as an artist. He has some of the most original comic book characters that I've ever had the privilege of viewing. His line work is absolutely amazing. If you haven't seen Tim's artwork click on the link and prepare to be wowed!

For the daily "sketch" I thought I'd quickly paint one of his drawings. I know the painting is pretty rough and far from finished. All in all I spent a little over 2 hours on this, to tell you the truth I could easily spend another 10 hours on it! Thanks toTim for all the sweet inspiration!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Daily Sketch: Spidey, Dawg, and the Mob

Daily Sketch: Spidey, Dawg, and the Mob. Here we have some sketches I drew sitting next to my wife while she watched the Bachelorette. (Prismacolor Pencils, Ink and Markers)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Daily Sketch: Lightbulb!

Daily Sketch: Lightbulb! Here's a quick Sketch I did after dinner tonight. I have no idea why I drew this on Mothers Day. You'd think I would draw something a little more geared towards the holiday. I'm sure you artists out there know what it's like to start doodling and end up with some thing totally off the wall anyway, Happy Mothers Day!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Daily Sketches

 Daily Sketch: Rock Dude from the Never Ending Story. A friend of mine Jared Salmond loves this book and has quite a bit of art on his blog that has been inspired by it. I've only seen the movie but maybe I'll read the book this summer.
 Daily Sketch: Adam Atom. I took a drawing for animation class a few years ago. Our big final for that class was to create some characters and story for an animated project. I came up with Adam Atom (I know real creative name). Any way he's kind of like a Han Solo/ Indiana Jones but set in space. I know another original idea. What can I say Star Wars and Indiana Jones where big parts of my childhood.
 Daily Sketch: Where The Wild Things Are Tribute. With the passing of Maurice Sendak I thought I'd, like so many of my fellow artists, do a quick sketch in honor of his memory. I know that it's not an exact copy of his character but that what makes drawing fun! The book was so awesome! Rest in peace Maurice
Daily Sketch: The Thoughtful Dragon... I don't really have anything to say about this guy. Take care!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Daily Sketch: Batman

Okay I know I said that I'd change it up and not do another head sketch but what can I say... I like drawing them. Today's sketch is the Dark Knight himself! I have been a Batman fan pretty much all my life. I remember my dad asking my brother and I if we wanted to stay up late and go see Batman at the theater. I was like Oh Ya! Here we are what 23 years later and I'm just as excited to see Batman on the big screen as I was when I was ten. Can hardly wait for the Dark Knight Rises in July!

By the way I'm thinking of putting some of these daily sketches up for sale. If any of you are interested in buying one or even having me draw one specifically for you please contact me at

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Daily Sketch: Hellboy

Today's daily sketch is everyones favorite paranormal investigator Hellboy! Sorry for all the head sketches I'll mix it up a little more.(Prismacolor pencils, ink and markers on toned paper)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Daily Sketch: Honey-Bear

Sorry this one was a little late. I was going to bed and forgot to post a sketch. Bears love honey... right?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Daily Sketch: Giraffe

As promised here is daily sketch #2. (Prismacolor pencil in the Moleskine Sketchbook) Giraffes are such a cool but weird looking animal. Check back tomorrow for another daily sketch. I'm up for suggestions on subjects to draw. If you have any suggestions please comment on the blog. Take care!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Daily Sketch: Hammerhead Alien

This is the first of my Daily Sketches. For the rest of the summer I want to draw a sketch everyday and post it up here on the blog. Check back often and if I miss a cay remind me on here or Facebook. Take care and draw... a lot!!!!

Ralibar Vooz Covers

These two Illustrations were finals for my concept 2 class @ UVU taught by the super talented Don Seegmiller. For this class we were given a story and had to develop the main characters. The entire class drew literally hundreds of sketches. We even had the pleasure of having James Christensen come to the class twice to critique out work. For the Final Don wanted us to create two Illustrations. I love the art work of Mike Mignola and Mike Henry so I used their work as influences. Also I thought it would be fun to treat the art work as covers for a comic book series. There are tons of things I'd like to fix but what's done is done. Hope you all like them.

Quick Painting Process

Here is a quick study I did of the Hulk. All in all the whole thing took a little over 2 1/2 hours to complete.

Stared out with a sketch in the old Moleskine sketch book. Then took it into Photoshop And added some value. Next I took the file into Painter and blended it all together. Then took it back into Photoshop and cleaned everything up, added some color, textures and blamo! Quick study done.