Saturday, September 22, 2012

Darth Maul Sketch

I've been home sick this weekend with the stomach flu. My wife and son are sick as well, so we have been having a movie marathon. Can you guess what movie we watched when I drew this? (colored pencil, ink and marker on toned paper)


Let first start this bog post by saying that I really liked the new Spider-man movie. I thought it was a fun interpretation of the character. For me one of the big disappointments from the Rami Spidey flicks were the organic web shooters. I let it slide because it was great to see the web head on the big screen. When it was revealed that Spider-Man would have his trademark mechanical web shooters in the new film I was super stoked. It was really cool to see Peter build his iconic web shooters. I always thought that showed how smart and creative peter was. For this caricature I thought it would be fun to have Spidey caught in his own webs, probably due to some type of mechanical failure in his invention.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lil' Miss Muffet

How's it going everyone!? I wanted to share my 1st assignment from Will Terry's Children's Book Illustration class at UVU. The project was to paint a scene from the nursery rime Little Miss Muffet. We could paint any scene from the story. I decided to paint the freakout moment when she sees the spider. I really had a blast painting this one!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mitt vs. Barack!

A few weeks ago my friend Drew Milton emailed me and asked if I would be interested in painting a piece for the UVU review (the university news paper). He told that this would be an editorial piece on student voting in the up coming presidential election. So here we have Mitt vs Barack in a tug of war over a wolverine plush doll wearing a UVU t-shirt. For those of you that don't know the school mascot is a wolverine. I had a great time painting this and look forward to doing some more of these in the future.