Monday, April 28, 2014

This years painting for the Primary Children's Hospital!

As some of you know every year in the Spring time I get together with the fantastic artists at UVU to create some artwork specifically to donate to the Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. Every day these brave boys and girls face challenges that we can only imagine and these noble doctors, nurses and the rest of the hospital staff do all in their power to help them.

This was my contribution for this years donation.... the Easter Bunny himself. My thoughts for this painting were that I wanted to show him painting an egg, carefully paying attention to every detail and admiring his handy work. I chose this concept to mimic the tender care that this amazing hospital gives to these children on a daily basis.

I know that my contribution is small in comparison but, if I can use my artistic talents to bring a smile to just one of these amazing children in a time of difficulty it makes all the time and effort it takes to create one of these images worth it! I can t wait to do it again!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cap'n Merica!

What's up everyone!!! Just incase you are wondering  this is not a halluciantion I am in fact posting to the blog! I apologize for not being consistent I've have been working non stop on my BFA show and I want the new paintings, 14 in all, to be a surprise for all the guests that attend my show on May 9th.

That being the case I couldn't resist the urge to post my latest painting in honor of the new Captain America movie. I've seen it and it's fantastic!!! If you haven't get out there and see it! This was painted 100% in Adobe Photoshop CS6!