Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Zombabilly Rock

This a painting that I just finished for my Digital Painting @ UVU taught by Ryan Wood. For this assignment we were to create a music album for a fictional musician. I thought it would be fun to do a retro Rockabilly/ Zombie singer based on Elvis or Johnny cash. Here ya go Zombabilly!

Gaga for Gaga

Another painting for school. for this project we were all assigned different celebrities to paint caricatures of. I was given Lady Gaga. I have never really listened to her music but this was a way fun piece to design and paint. FYI the banner was designed by psdgraphics.com. Search curled red ribbon and you'll find it. Great site for tutorials and all that. Hope you like it.

Lessons From Kirk

Sup gang! Time to update the blog with my latest batch of paintings. First we Captain Kirk. This was painted for my Editorial Illustration Class @ UVU taught By Richard Hull. For this assignment we were all given articles to create spot illustrations for. Mine was titled 5 Life Lessons Learned from James T. Kirk. This was a blast to paint!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Self Portrait

Here we have a self portrait that I painted for my Digital Painting 2 class at UVU. There were some amazing challenges that came with this one. It went through a least 4 or 5 different versions. I'm grateful that I had some amazing instructors such as Ryan Wood and Don Seegmiller to help me create this painting.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Hellboy updated!

I have always loved this painting it represents a lot of growth for me as an artist. There is one thing about this image that has always bothered me, Hellboy's chops. When I first painted this I had no idea how to paint hair. So like any artist I did my best and the out come was lackluster at best. In recent months, I have spent a what seems like a ton of time painting hair both digitally and traditionally. The image on the bottom I painted last summer and the top is one that I spent 5 minutes repainting the hair. I know I could have spent some more time getting it perfect, but I just wanted to quickly fix the hair... take care!!!