Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lets pick up the spare!

I was Bowling on the Wii last night with my kids. Thought out the entire game I kept on getting eight or nine pins down and would occasionally pick up the spare. While we were playing, I thought back to the old NES games of the 80's. When I was a kid my parents would take us to Toys R Us and I would walk up and down the video game isle and look at all the awesome covers.  I love how the cover art would sale the game. I'm pretty sure those covers were a huge factor in me loving cartoons, video games and comics so much. Before I went to bed I quickly sketched this out and painted it this morning. I thought it would be fun to turn the equipment in to cartoon characters. I wanted to paint in a background but ran out of time... maybe I'll turn it into a vintage looking NES game cover! (colored pencil and photoshop)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Jared Salmond Sketch Trade!

Hello everybody!
 Jared Salmond here, one of Adam's schoolmates for the last two years or so. Adam graciously accepted my offer to do a blog trade so here we go! I've been redesigning the ninja turtle villains over the last month or so and Adam suggested I do a new one. Leatherhead was one of my favorite and weirdest ninja turtle toys, I used a bunch of reference to pull the design a little closer back to a real gator, enjoy! Make sure to visit my blog at jaredsalmond.blogspot.com for more fun stuff! Thanks Adam!
Glad to have you on the blog Jared! Thanks for the awesome drawing! I have posted the drawing that I made for Jared's blog. You can find out more about it by checking out Jared's blog! Thanks again Jared!

Today's warm up painting

Here is about a 40-45 minute warm up painting that I did this morning. All done in Corel Painter. I usually use Photoshop to paint digitally but lately I have been liking Painter. The brushes feel a little more natural and the blending brushes are fantastic!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Art Show Sketches!

My good friend Phil Canon arranged for us to have a little art show up in Salt Lake City  on August 10. We are going to be displaying some cool art work, have some prints and original sketches for sale. Here is a little preview of some of the sketches that I will have up for grabs. If you are in the area on August 10th stop by, should be fun! 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Bride of Fronkensteen

 One of my all-time favorite movies is Mel Brook's Young Frankenstein pronounced "Fronkensteen". If you haven't seen it I highly recommend that you do, it's absolutely hilarious! Here is my throwback to old monster movies. I finished this painting a few weeks ago. I don't know why I haven't posted it sooner. The original sketch can be found below. (Graphite, Photoshop and Painter)

Friday, July 6, 2012


I am so excited! I just finished a super intense Statistics class, actually it's my last math class ever! For those of you that don't know math is not my strongest subject. I always struggled with it. Here are a few sketches I thought you might like. stay tuned for more drawings and paintings. Hope you are all having a terrific summer! 
 Daily Sketch: The Bride of... (graphite on watercolor paper)
 Daily Sketch: Spray can Monsta! (colored pencil, ink, and marker)
 Daily Sketch: Frog mobsta (colored pencil)
 Daily Sketch: Construction-bot (colored pencil, ink and marker)
 Daily Sketch: Shark (colored pencil, ink, and marker)
 Daily Sketch: Invincible. Hands down one of the best comics out there! (colored pencil, ink and marker)
 Daily Sketch: Fries! (colored pencil and ink)
 Daily Sketch: Fries! Speed Painting. (colored pencil, ink, Painter and Photoshop)
Daily Sketch: The Amazing Spider-man. (colored pencil, ink, and marker)