Thursday, August 15, 2013

He's no good to me dead!

As most of you know I've been super busy painting and getting prints ready for the Salt Lake Comic Con. Here is my latest piece... Mr. Boba or "Bobble" Fett!

Having been a huge Star Wars nerd all my life, Mr. Fett was an easy choice while trying to come up with subjects to paint. I could have easily painted Vader or any number of Jedi but, I thought it would be more fun to tackle ole' bucket head. He is arguably one of the coolest villains ever created! To bad he went out like a buster!

If you are in the Salt Lake area September 5-7 drop on by the Salt Lake Comic Con and stop at my table (A-5) in the artist alley!

Till next time!


  1. I've always been a fan of Boba Fett. I really like that rich vibrant red background you framed him with.

  2. Great work, Adam. Boba Fett's one of my fave's too. Looking forward to when you do an entire Star Wars series... :D

  3. Thanks Lee! I've been wanting to to do a whole Star Wars series for some time now. Maybe it's time to step up!
