Wednesday, July 24, 2013

General Fury!

The infamous San Diego Comic Con was last week. I have alway wanted to attend but scheduling and acquiring tickets hasn't worked out in the past. Lucky for me this september Salt Lake City is going to have its first ever Comic Con! Even better, is the news that I was able to secure a booth in the artist alley. This will be  my first time going and participating in a convention. I'm pretty stoked and hope that The Salt Lake Comic Con is a success! At my booth I will be selling sketches, prints, and if all works out an art book featuring my paintings and drawings.

General Nick Fury is the first in a new batch of superhero caricature paintings. I'm hoping to have a lest 10 more painted by september. If you have any suggestions on heros or villains that you would like to see a caricature of sound off below and just maybe you see a version of that character at the Salt Lake Comic Con!

1 comment:

  1. Love the detail work Adam... if I had to have any suggestions I think I would like to see one of Avengers (Hulk maybe) through this line of caricature. Just a suggestion, anything you choose will be awesome I'm sure.
